Orracle and Family

Orracle and Family

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

We Finally Did It! Oh Goody.

It....it is a wide open thing. What did we do? Furthermore, who are "we"? Why is IT so important anyway? Do we really care? These answers and more await you below...

IT is $100 a barrell for oil.
IT is bullshit.
IT had to happen because someone said IT would.
IT better not stay there.

Oh what a way to kick off 2008. "OIL HITS ALL TIME HIGH! $100 A BARRELL!" Meanwhile, oil companies are making MORE than ever before. Yeah, I know you have read my rant here before. I am sure you are sick of it. Me too. IT just bugs the hell out of me that the big oil companies will post the biggest profits of their history while we pay more than $3 a gallon for gas.

The funny thing is that I don't recall what triggered this. A civil war in a country of 150,000 people? A flood in a small town that has a small refinery in Uganda? George Bush admitted he is an idoit? What was IT that caused IT this time?

Listen up. I am talking to you losers that "predict" these things. Shut the hell up. Don't predict something. THEY think they need to make IT happen when you do. You know who you are. Go crawl back into your hole. Leave me and my economy alone.

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