- 1/2 cup of Fiber One Honey Crunch
- 1/2 cup of 1% cottage cheese
- 1/3-1/2 cup of plain, nonfat yogurt (premixed by YOU with splenda and vanilla extract)
- top with cut up strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and/or raspberries
Jess called it Breakfast Whack because the first time I told her of my new obsession, she said it sounded "WHACK" but now she is a believer too!
I have my metabos and a good lunch. Dinner selections have been from the Hilton Head Health cookbook and their blog which is called H3 Daily. GO THERE!
Next week, I travel for the first time. I have no fear. Traveling smarts were just one more lecture given by the amazing Bob Wright (picture with The Orracle below). It will be just like being at home. Planned out, researched and disciplined!
I do have a long road to go but never have I felt this confident in my abilities. This is not a diet. This is a lifestyle....and one I can live with.